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Storing Functions in Module

In Python, a module is a file that contains Python code, including definitions, functions, and statements that can be used in other programs. Modules allow you to organize and reuse code across different projects.

To create a module and store your defined functions in it, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Python file with a .py extension. This will be your module file. For example, create a file called
  2. Define your functions within the module file. In, you can define the cube() and power() functions as follows:

Program (

def cube(a):
    return a**3

def power(a,n):
    return a**n

Module Importing Techniques

Now, you have created the module with the defined functions, you can use them in other programs in various ways.

Importing an entire module

The following program demonstrates how to import the entire module so that every function in the module is available in the program file. Remember that, module file and program file using module should be in the same location.

Program (

# importing an entire module
import mymath

n = mymath.cube(10)
print('Cube =', n)

n = mymath.power(5,4)
print('Power =', n)


Cube = 1000
Power = 625

Importing a specific function

If you only need one or a few functions from a module, you can import them directly. This technique allows you to use the imported function(s) without needing to reference the module name.

Program (

# importing a specific function
from mymath import cube

# module name is not required to call function
n = cube(10)
print('Cube =', n)


Cube = 1000

Giving a module an alias

It is common to give a module an alias to provide a shorter and more convenient name for referencing it in your program. This is particularly useful when the module name is lengthy or prone to naming conflicts.

Program (

#importing module using alias
import mymath as m

n = m.cube(10)
print('Cube =' , n)

n = m.power(5,4)
print('Power =', n)


Cube = 1000
Power = 625

In this example, the module mymath is imported with the alias m. This allows you to use m as a shorthand for referencing functions from the mymath module.

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