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Local and Global Variable

In Python, local and global variables play a crucial role in programming. Understanding how local and global variables work in functions is essential for writing modular and efficient code. In this tutorial we will discuss the concept of local and global variables in functions, including their declaration, scope, and best practices.

Local Variable

A local variable is a variable that is either declared within a function or is a parameter of that function. These variables are called local because they are only accessible and valid within the specific function or block of code where they are declared. Local variables are not accessible from outside the function.

When a local variable is declared inside a function, it is created and assigned a value when the function is called or executed. The variable remains in memory as long as the function is running, and it is destroyed once the function finishes its execution.

Here's an example:

def calculate_sum(a, b):
    # Local variable declaration
    result = a + b
    print("The sum is:", result)

calculate_sum(5, 3)
The sum is: 8

In this example, the function calculate_sum takes two parameters a and b. Within the function, a local variable named result is declared and assigned the value of a + b. This local variable result is only accessible within the calculate_sum function.

When the function is called with the arguments 5 and 3 (calculate_sum(5, 3)), the local variable result is calculated and printed, displaying the sum as 8.

Outside of the function, the local variable result is not accessible. If you try to access it using print(result), it will raise a NameError since the variable is not defined in the global scope.

Global variable

Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function or block of code and can be accessed from anywhere in the program. They have a global scope, which means they are visible and accessible throughout the entire program. Thet are usually declared at the start of the program.

x = 100 # global variable

def f():
    print("x =", x)

def b():
    print("x =", x)

print("x =", x)


x = 100  # Initial value of x
x = 100  # Output from f()
x = 100  # Output from b()

In this example, the variable x is declared as a global variable outside any function or block of code. Therefore, it has a global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the program.

Both functions f() and b() can access and print the value of the global variable x because it is in their scope. This demonstrates that global variables can be accessed and used within different functions, providing a way to share data among multiple parts of the program.

Naming Conflicts: Precedence of Local Variables over Global Variables

If you declare a variable that is local to a function and has the same name as a global variable, the local variable takes precedence within the function's scope. However, outside of the function, the global variable remains unaffected.

x = 100  # global variable

def f():
    x = 9  # local variable
    print("x =", x)

print("x =", x)
print("x =", x)


x = 100
x = 9
x = 100

In this example, a global variable x is defined with an initial value of 100. Inside the function f(), a local variable x is declared with a value of 9. When f() is called, it prints the value of the local variable x (9).

Outside the function, when print("x =", x) is executed, it accesses the global variable x (100) because the local variable's scope is limited to the function. Therefore, the output displays x = 100.

Accessing and Modifying Global Variables in Python

If you want to access or modify a global variable inside a function, you need to use the global keyword.

x = 100

def f():
    global x
    x = 9
    print("x =", x)

print("x =", x)
print("x =", x)


x = 100
x = 9
x = 9

In this example, the global variable x is initially set to 100. Inside the function f(), the global keyword is used to indicate that we want to access and modify the global variable x. It is then assigned a new value of 9 and printed, resulting in x = 9.

Outside the function, when print("x =", x) is executed, it accesses the modified global variable x, which is still 9. Therefore, the final output displays x = 9.

Common Pitfalls and Error Cases:

It's important to keep in mind the following points to avoid errors when using the global keyword:

  • The global statement should be declared before assigning a value to the variable within the function.
  • Assigning a value to a variable without declaring it as global will create a new local variable instead of modifying the global variable.

Best Practices for Using Local and Global Variables in Python

Prefer Local Variables:

  • Use local variables within functions whenever possible.
  • Local variables are confined to a specific scope, making code easier to understand and less prone to errors.

Limit the Use of Global Variables:

  • Minimize the use of global variables.
  • Global variables can make code harder to understand and maintain.

Declare Variables in the Smallest Scope Necessary:

  • Declare variables in the smallest scope where they are needed.
  • This reduces complexity and avoids unintended side effects or conflicts with other variables.

Use Meaningful Variable Names:

  • Choose descriptive names for variables.
  • Meaningful names improve code readability and understanding.

Use Function Parameters and Return Values:

  • Pass data between functions using function parameters and return values.
  • This promotes modularity and avoids excessive reliance on global variables.

Use Local Variables for Temporary Storage:

  • Utilize local variables to store intermediate results or temporary values within functions.
  • This keeps the code clear and avoids cluttering the global namespace.

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