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Review Questions

Short Answer

1. Construct a logical expression to represent each of the following conditions:
(i) score is greater than or equal to 80 but less than 90

(ii) answer is either ‘N’ or ‘n’

(iii) n is between 0 and 7 but not equal to 3

2. Write an if statement that assigns 20 to the variable y and assigns 40 to the variable z if the variable x is greater than 100.

3. Write an if statement that assigns 0 to the variable b and assigns 1 to the variable c if the variable a is less than 10.

4. Write an if-else statement that assigns 0 to the variable b if the variable a is less than 10. Otherwise, it should assign 99 to the variable b.

5. What will be the output of the following code:

x = 14
print('Fun with condition')
if x > 5:
    print('I am greater than 5')
if x > 10:
    print('I am greater than 10')
if x > 15:
    print('I am greater than 15')

6. What will be the output of the following code:

x = 14
print('Fun with condition')
if x > 5:
    print('I am greater than 5')
elif x > 10:
    print('I am greater than 10')
elif x > 15:
    print('I am greater than 15')
    print('Who am I?')

7. What will be the output of the following code:

x = 9
if x >= 10:
    print('I am 10')
    print('Or greater than 10')
print('Hello Pyhon!')
if x >= 5:
    print('I am 5')
    print('Or greater than 5')

8. What will be the output of the following code:

age = 18
if age > 10:
    print('More than ten')
    if age < 20:
        print('Less than twenty')
print('All done')

9. What will never print regardless of the value of x?

if x < 2:
    print('Below 2')
elif x < 20:
    print('Below 20')
elif x < 10:
    print('Below 10')
    print('Something else')

Programming Exercises

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