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Solved Examples

Question 1

Write a program which asks user to enter price and quantity of a product. Your program should calculate and display the the bill amount as price * quantity. If bill amount is more than 2000 discount of 20% on bill amount should be subtrated from bill.


price = int(input('Enter price of product: '))
quantity = int(input('Enter quantity: '))
amount = price * quantity

if amount > 2000:
    discount = amount*0.20
    discount = 0

net_amount = amount - discount

print('Bill amount:',amount)
print('Your net bill amount is',net_amount)


Enter price of product: 550
Enter quantity: 4
Bill amount: 2200
Discount: 440.0
Your net bill amount is 1760.0

Question 2

The marks obtained by a student in computer science is input by the user. Your program should display the grade. The student gets a grade as per the following rules:

marks	Grade
90-100	A
80-89	B
70-79	C
60-69	D
0-59	F


marks = int(input('Enter your marks in CS: '))

if marks>=90:
    grade = 'A'
elif marks>=80:
    grade = 'B'
elif marks>=70:
    grade = 'C'
elif marks>=60:
    grade = 'D'
    grade = 'F'

print('Your grade is',grade)


Enter your marks in CS: 67
Your grade is D

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