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Review Questions

Multiple Choice

1. This built-in function can be used to convert an float value to a int.

  1. float_to_int()
  2. float()
  3. convert()
  4. int()

2. Which of the following statements will cause an error?

  1. num = 17
  2. 17 = num
  3. num = 99999
  4. num = '17'

3. A string literal in Python must be enclosed in

  1. parentheses
  2. single-quotes
  3. double-quotes
  4. either single-quotes or double-quotes

4. Which of the following is the valid variable name:

  1. global
  2. 99flag
  3. sum
  4. an$wer

5. Which are correct arithmetical operations?

  1. num = 1*2
  2. 4 = 2+2
  3. 5 + 6 = x
  4. Seven = 3 * 4

6. Which operations result in 6?

  1. 50 // 8
  2. 16 % 5
  3. 2 * * 3
  4. 36 * * 0.5

7. If the value of a = 20 and b = 10, then a += b will assign ________ to a

  1. 40
  2. 30
  3. 20
  4. 10

8. The _____ is the modulus operator.

  1. *
  2. %
  3. **
  4. //

Short Answer

9. If a math expression adds a float to an int, what will the data type of the result be?

10. What would the following display?

num = 20
num = 5

11. What will the following statement display?

print('John', 'David', 'Rahul', 'Rita', sep='@')

12. What is the type of the following result:

1 + 2.0 + 3

13. What is a variable? What names may variable have?

14. How are keywords different from variable names?

15. What is Runtime error. Explain with example.

Programming Exercises

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