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Python is a modern programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It’s great as a first language because it is concise and easy to read. You can use it for web development, to handle big data, machine learning, data science, and software development. So, once you learn the fundamentals, you can grow into the role of your choice!

Installing the Python

Step 1: Go to the official Python website:

Step 2: Click on the "Download Python" button for the latest version.

Step 3: Choose the appropriate installer for your system (32-bit or 64-bit) based on your system specifications.

Step 4: Once the installer is downloaded, run it by double-clicking on the file.

Step 5: In the installer window, select the "Add Python to PATH" option and then click on "Install Now".

Step 6: The installer will then start installing Python on your system, which may take a few minutes to complete.

Python Installation

Step 7: After installation, you can check if Python is installed correctly by opening a command prompt (CMD) and typing "python" in the terminal. If Python is installed correctly, you will see the version of Python that has been installed.

Python comes with IDLE, a Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment. In this course we will use IDLE for creating our program.

Working with IDLE

IDLE is a Python development environment that provides a Python shell, a code editor, and a debugger, all in one interface. It uses GUI to provide a simple and easy-to-use interface.

The Python shell in IDLE provides an interactive environment to run Python code and test out new ideas. The code editor (script window) in IDLE allows you to write Python code and save it to a file, which you can then run from the Python shell. The debugger in IDLE allows you to step through your Python code line by line and find and fix any errors or bugs.

You can watch the following video to get familiar with IDLE.

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